
Tech4Teens Remote Technology Summer Camp

Published by J. Gregroy McVerry on

Image: CfAL Logo.

Draft Plan for the Tech4Teens Free Remote Technology Camp

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Concepts for Adaptive Tehnology, Bella Xiong, a Yale Computer Science student, and myself are planning a free technology camp this summer for Connecticut Teens. Students will have mentors from Yale Computer Science and students in Southern Connecticut State Education educator and librarian programs.

We can scale this poject across the state, and technically nationally quite easily. Kids needs camp. Teacher prep programs need digital field placements. We can make it happen.

More importantly we should now, more than ever, root the web in places where #literacies belong: schools and libraries. Algorithims should not determine adolescents.

If you would like to support our Tech4Teens program please contact Jennifer Ricker, Executive Director of CfAL. We always need more mentors and money. If you want to learn more about fulfilling field placement requirements reach out to me.