
Week note Reflection of My To Do list

Thrusday's to do list ended up taking me through most of the wrrkend

I got the OER curriculum map work done. You can check it out on our wiki.

I also did one round of video feedback for #edu407 lessons and posted all the videos for #edu307 and #edu407.

I took on some client work this week. I haven't had as many contracts this year so this is a much needed suprise. One was planned. I am developing a series of modules o best practices for online teaching.

The other project was a rush job for a client. I was given a ton of survey data, with only three quantifiable question and asked to do a data analysis and make recommendations. I think it went well but it ate up my weekend.

I also finished up a post on how I built a video page on my website

NCTE was going on this weekend. While the conference does not meet my standards on reducing exploitation in the Academy there are lot of strong and important voics there fighting the good fight on decolonizing education. I just hate all the hero worship and the blatant book hoarding rather than learning

So I tried to attend as much as I could from Twitter. NCTE does not organize any remote sessions nor require or encourage participants to openly license and share materials. Still I wanted to participate. Here is a post I did in reaction to a session on the misreading of the science of reading

Kevin Hodgson and I continued our poem. So far in the month of November oe of us has added to the poem every day. Usually both. I am not sure where it is going. Terry Elliot started a fork on an etherpad that is linked inside an annotation on the poem.

In terms of my personal website I deleted all my media and added an instance of Owncloud. I then started to reupload my music. I also added a GpX app to own cloud. I have been using Trackbook to record trips on Android and now I have a way (soon) to post these trips to my website.

I did get to sneak in a game of Risk, well three turns,with the kids on Sunday, and John's lego robotics team made it to states.

Continuing to binge Peaky Blinders, both the cinematography and writing, especially the dialogue in the show amaze me.

My Notes Published with Bridgy