
My Running Trail for Get Healthy Month

Published by J. Gregory McVerry on

Tracking My Month of Getting Healthy

It looks like my third lap got cut off. It took me just over 24 minutes to run/jog/walk the mile. I was stopping and clearing sticks from the trail, still I hope to improve the time. Might do some interval running today to help improve my stamina.

In terms of stating and eating healthy. I have stuck to nothing but three meals a day and only water (in forms of selzer and coffee. I did do two cheat days. Last Saturday I went to the Unviersity of Hartford Basketball and last night, just because.

  • Total distance 4,975 ft
  • Steps 3070
  • l
  • Time 00:24:00
  • +Elevation 277 ft
  • -Elevation 325 feet
  • Highest point 496 ft
  • lowest poinst 383 ft