
Chicken and Egg (Err Duck) of the Digital Dichotomy

Published by J. Gregroy McVerry on

Image: Screenshot by me shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

A #Clmooc #poetryport gift for @miazamoraPhD @cogdog and the #netnarr crew

screenshot of my notes

Noone displaces
in online
For some
IRL is
My Scared Hell
The Digital? A whimsical
and critical as
pivotal to

No analog,
No offline.
Not in the pedandtic nerd
sense of that's "not what analog means"
but means of making
meaning arent't about bleeding
into some "better place"
Might as well believe in
Ducks from Space.

Campbell notes,
myth a metaphor
so is the false dichotomy
in front of me
that Alice should only choose
real doors.

Magic in chasing rabbits
along paths well worned
Fear of Missing Out not new
used to sit alone
by a phone alone
before swiped right
all night
What is Plato's Cave
but Fear Of Moving Out

Not a matter of connectivism
but self control
over capitalism

Order the VSCO pack
Sit Back
Throw in a scrunchie
then grab some munchies with the cool
That script ain't new.
Besides that's not you.
You can do better
Go Watch Heathers.

It is work
but it boils down to
don't be a jerk.
And own your story
A Priori
Don't gather data on an
algorithmic platter
Finish the Sentence , "My url is"
Save the world

Notifications play on the needy
in us
while feeding the greedy
amongst us
leaves web filled with racist graffiti
and comments seedy
we get drawn to the wreck
Now it's facebook's paycheck

People don't hang hate from their door
Less rage on a home page
How can you tell truth online until you
shape your own? And if not you, then who?

Step one
Open the phone
turn the brain drain beeps to none
Be here now
keep a purpose
converse with those
in your time and space
in voice or text
make the choice
of presence

Step two
Visit silo-quits
It's a sick list
the worlds
tinkers and thinkers
who reject the retch
of silos, and say Hell no.
If you use facebook you pay for hate
Instagram funds your misery as you scroll
too perfect, great light, what a night, good fight
All attack vectors against are democracy
You okay with this? For what?
Baby and cat pictures?

Seek richer
connections from your own
Domain. Reject false
markers of fame.

Step three
Find your community
Have a passiong, got a blog
so do others, gather
lather in the seeds of knowledge
on the edge of your feed
be a seeker on mission
to network with those who share
your vision

Step Four
know when to reflect
to disconnect
not from the digital
nor the analog
but from it all

Also on IndieWeb Poetry Also on CLMOOC Planet
Published with Bridgy